AAMAS 2024, Aucklad, New Zealand, 2024-05-06

Remarks: AAMAS 2024 comes to a colourful end in Auckland in late autumn. Thank you for your support and the hard work of the volunteers. Gift for next year: A Kiwi about to cross the Americas
笔记:AAMAS 2024在奥克兰绚丽多彩的深秋落幕。感谢各位参会老师的支持和志愿者同学的辛勤工作。Gift for next year: 一只即将远渡美洲的Kiwi

Fuyang, Huang Gongwang Seclusion, 2024-04-30

Lake Waikaremoana, Taupō & Turangi, 2023-12-30

Utrecht & Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023-11-29

ASONAM 2023, Istanbul, Turkey, 2023-11-07

Remarks: Standing by the Golden Horn, the colossal chain that once blocked the way across Constantinople and Galata has already broken into history. From Europe, gazing towards Asia, tracing back from the Ottoman to the distant Byzantine era. Amidst the past and the present, oscillating between religion and secularism, warfare and civilization.
笔记:伫于金角湾,横越君士坦丁堡和加拉塔的 封锁巨链已然断入历史。自欧洲遥望亚洲,由奥斯曼远溯拜占庭。在故往与现实,宗教与世俗,战火与文明之间徘徊往复。

AAMAS 2023, London, UK, 2023-05-29

Remarks: New Zealand Impressions & Passing the Baton @ AAMAS 2023 London. In the presentations at AAMAS 2023 and the forward-looking speech at the closing ceremony for 2024, we extend a warm invitation to join us in Auckland, New Zealand for AAMAS 2024 next autumn.
笔记:新西兰印象 & 接棒 @ AAMAS 2023 伦敦。在AAMAS 2023上的报告和闭幕式上的2024前瞻演讲,欢迎明年深秋来新西兰奥克兰参加AAMAS 2024

Mount Tongariro & Lake Taupo, New Zealand, 2023-04-09

State Highway 6 (to Wanaka) and Wanaka Lavander Farm, New Zealand, 2023-03-16

State Highway 8 (to Tekapo), New Zealand, 2023-03-16

Eglinton Valley & Milford Sound, New Zealand, 2023-03-14

Across South Alpine, New Zealand, 2022-10-20

Sakura Blooms, Cambridge, New Zealand, 2022-09-26

Southwest University, JinGangBei (金刚碑) & Hongyadong (洪崖洞), Chongqing, China, 2022-06-19

Chengdu & DuJiangYan (都江堰), China, 2022-06-04

Graduation, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2022-05-09

Remarks: The final graduation. Grateful for everyone who has accompanied me throughout my student years and every person encountered along the way. Youth has not yet scattered, and the days to come are still promising. You may call me Dr. Chen, from now onwards.
笔记:最后的毕业。感谢一路走完学生时代的人,和途中遇到的每一个人。青春尚未散,来日犹可期。You may call me Dr. Chen, from now onwards.

New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand, 2022-04-17

Three Sisters and The Elephant Rock, Taranaki, New Zealand, 2022-04-16

Hunua Ranges Regional Park, Auckland, New Zealand, 2022-03-13

Sunset of Lake Whakatipu, Queenstown, 2021-12-25

Routeburn Track, New Zealand, 2021-12-25

State High Way 94, New Zealand, 2021-12-25

Cromwell, Otago, New Zealand, 2021-12-23

Queenstown, Otago, New Zealand, 2021-12-23